Insanely in love…

Tenía mucho tiempo sin escribir algo de este tipo en inglés, pero la musa me ha estado rondando desde que pienso en alguien en particular...

A ti que quizás no lo sepas, a ti que quizás no te das cuenta

Insanely in love… Am I hopeless?
Maybe, I don’t know,
as destiny won’t shows
with some light in the empty vow.

And love thou once mine,
gone from my flank leaving a cold sorrow of doubt.

Will you answer this voice
in behalf of a true heart
or shall I faint with the madness
of not caress thee?

Beyond my whisper,
hear out my cry.
Is that you are punishing me
or is that our last kiss just fades away
from your lips into the oblivion?

Say no word
and I will tear apart this heart.

Stare my eyes
before the dawn
and I will know
you still think of this mortal being
giving a last hope
to mend the wound of love.



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